Actress Ameesha Patel has recently launched a production house named Ameesha Patel Productions (APP) and it has allocated Rs. 35 crores for its debut movie under the direction of David Dhawan.
Ameesha Patelal so told that the second movie will also be made with Rs. 35 crores, spending a total of 70 crores for the the first two films.
Ameesha Patelal so told that the second movie will also be made with Rs. 35 crores, spending a total of 70 crores for the the first two films.
Ameesha Patel told, "It will be a commercial, kickass, masala film with a big star cast including me." The proud actress boasted, "I am one of the most educated actors in the industry. This is how I can put my education to good use too."
While many actors previously had produced movies but most of them had failed. Ameesha Patel however is confident on the success of her production house, “Many actors have turned producers recently, but their films have had budgets of Rs 5-6 crore. I have spent one tenth of my budget on my launch party."
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